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Modular Structure


SequenceDiagram evolved into a multi-module architecture. It consists of a core module and several language modules. Each module is an IntelliJ Platform plugin, and they can be freely combined to work together.

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Product & Service

SequenceDiagram Core, a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, is free download with freemium function, help you

  • Generate simple sequence diagram of method.
  • Navigate the code by click the diagram shape.
  • Export the diagram as image(SVG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF).
  • Export the diagram as PlantUML, Mermaid format file.

SequenceDiagram Java, support Java, kotlin, and Scala(Bata) language, if the following dependency satisfied:

  • SequenceDiagram Core
  • (optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin – this is required for Kotlin
  • (optional) org.intellij.scala – this is required for Scala
  • (optional) org.intellij.groovy – this is required for Groovy
  • (optional) com.intellij.java – this is required for Java

SequenceDiagram JS, support JavaScript, TypeScript language, if the following dependency satisfied:

  • SequenceDiagram Core
  • (optional) JavaScript – this is required for JavaScript and TypeScript.

This is a paid plugin.

SequenceDiagram Rust, support Rust language, if the following dependency satisfied:

  • SequenceDiagram Core
  • (optional) com.jetbrains.rust – this is required for Rust.

This is a paid plugin.